Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 1

So I went to the doctor today. I've been putting this off for quite some time now. I guess I always think that my doctor visit will be worse than it really is. I leave there thinking that I really like my doctor and that she's very understanding and supportive. Like most things, I guess I just get scared of the unknown and anticipate the worse. I know that I need to loose a lot of weight. I'm tipping the scale at 288 lbs. now. There's two of me in my own body now. I guess I could make some Jekle and Hyde joke now, but it seems to be too obvious. 
The reason I started writing this blog is to keep track of my progress. I want to lose 5% of my body weight. That will put me at 273. I can do this. I know I can. I will use the following as my motivation:

If you've started out in pursuit of your goal and you've really tried with 
your heart and soul, but somehow things got out of control - START OVER. 

When you've tried your best to do what you should and you thought this time 
that you surely would, but once again you didn't do good - START OVER. 

When you've worked so hard to follow a WW's way and you fought to win a 
victory each day, but one more time you went astray - START OVER. 

When the road to success seemed much too long and each temptation was oh so 
strong and once again you gave in to wrong - START OVER. 

When you've told your friends what you planned to do and trusted them to 
help you through and soon discovered it's up to you - START OVER. 

When you know you must be physically fit but your hope seems gone and you're 
stuck in a pit. That's not the time for you to quit - START OVER. 

When the week seems long and successes few and at weigh in time you're 
feeling blue, remember tomorrow is just for you - START OVER. 

To start again means a victory's been won and staring over AGAIN means a 
race well run and starting over AGAIN proves it can be done, so don't just 
sit there - START OVER!!

I found this on the Weight Watchers boards for Guys on a Diet. I hope to see a lot of progress over the next several weeks. I have the time so why not just do it. There's nothing more to do than do it. 

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